Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A New Day

Most days I carry this load

Along this winding journey, 

Content with the strain and the pain, 

Because I know He has a purpose. 

But today I woke up


To do more than just cry

For this life is sometimes 


I sat my load down,

Curled up at My Father's feet 

And waited upon the Lord. 

I cried out for comfort. 

I cried for release. 

I cried.

And it was good.

Nothing much changed.  

This life is still hard. 


He is good. 

He collects my tears, 

Assuages my fears 

And reminds me I'm never alone. 

He comforts my soul, 

He reminds me He's there.

No matter the difficulty, 

He's already made a way, 

And tomorrow is 

A new day. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I Trust in You

Lord, I'm scared, but I trust in You. 

Ohh Lord, I'm scared, but I trust in You. 

Oh Lord I'm scared, but I trust in You. 

Ohh yes I do, oh yes I do. 

I have no control, but I know You do. 

Lord, I have no control, but I know You do..

I have no control, but I know You do. 

Ohh yes I do, Lord oh yes I do. 

When life gets hard, I turn to You. 

When life gets hard, Lord, I turn to You. 

When life gets hard, I turn to You. 

Lord, yes I do, Lord yes I do. 

When my trust's in You, nothing less will do.. 

Than a perfect love, a life lead by You...

A life filled with fruit, growing strong in You. 

A life spent with you, Lord, nothing else will do. 

Lord I trust in you, ohh I trust in You. 

Ohh yes I do, ohh yes I do. 

Nothing else will do, Lord, I trust in You. 

Ohh Lord yes I do, Lord yes I do.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It Depends..

Okay is so subjective..

It depends upon the day.

It depends upon the moment.

It depends upon the way..

We respond to all our stressors,

And the things that people say.

It depends upon our lifestyle, 

And the way that we were raised.

It depends upon our battles,

And where we place our faith.

It depends upon the moment, 

The very seconds of the day.

It depends upon our hearts, 

And if we follow the Way. 

It depends upon our words, 

When we use them to pray..

It can change in an instant, 

From, Lord, I'm not okay,

To, Thank you Lord, for walking 

With me, each and every day. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Daily miracles

 Lord open up my eyes

That I might see..

The miracles that live inside of me.

The things that you have healed, 

The pain that you revealed..

The ways you live and breathe inside of me..

Thank you Lord for daily miracles. 

The things that I don't see, 

When you're there, loving on me, 

And helping me to make it 

Through my days.. 

Thank you for the ways

You save my life each day, 

You teach me your loving ways,  

And draw me closer to you,

Through it all, through it all. 

Thank you Lord for being with me, 

For being all that I need. 

For loving me and guiding me 

Through it all.

Thank you Lord for daily miracles. 

The things that I don't see, 

When you're there, loving on me, 

And helping me to make it 

Through my days.. 

Thank you for the ways

You save my life each day, 

You teach me your ways,  

And draw me closer to you

Through it all, through it all. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A Mind At War

When my trust bumps into my trauma,

Thus begins the constant drama 

Of a mind at war 

and an enemy with a score.. 

Determined to settle it on me.

He plays to win, but I do too. 

He speaks lies, I speak of You. 

Then my brain cries, what if it's true?!

And I find me, sadly, fighting me too. 

I cry out GOD SAVE ME! 

You say, I'm here, I never left you. 

I'm always near, ready to help you. 

Just call on me, dear, and I'll remind you..

The enemy is a liar, 

Your trauma doesn't define you.

I'll always love you, and help you heal, 

Teach you my ways and also reveal: 

The enemy's lies.. he has no power. 

Minute by minute, hour by hour,

I hold you in MY right hand.

Again and again, I'll lift you up, 

Refresh your soul and fill your cup,

Until your time on Earth is through..

Then you'll join me and there you'll see 

All those times you were looking for Me, 

I was right there, always with you. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

4 AM Chats


Just breathe.

Breathe deep.

And then search inside 

                                                        For Me. 

Feel that? 

I'm there. 

I'm the breath in your lungs, 

I'm the beat of your heart,

I'm the blood that flows through you, 

I'm the wind in your hair, 

The lightest kiss of air...

 I'm the solid rock beneath your feet

And the brightest skies before your eyes.

I'm internal, external, 

                                          I'M ETERNAL. 

I'm everything and so much more. 

I'm the Creator, the Designer, 

The Maker of all things, 


My crowning glory, 

My greatest achievement, 

My wonderful, beautiful love... 

I made you to love and be love.

I made you to grow, 

I made you to know 

All the wonderful things 

That being mine brings:

The kindness, the grace, 

The glorious weight.

The joy in the pain, 

And the sun after the rain.. 

But the greatest gift of all time

Is knowing I'm by your side,

Loving you, guiding you,

Leading you closer to Me, 

And into that beautiful you 

I know you to be. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Anything Is Possible

 As we face this season 

At an up tempo'd pace,

Trying so hard to 

Focus on Your grace.

We find ourselves weary,

Unable to breathe, 

Focused on everything

But the One we need.

As we cry out in pain, 

You gently lean in

And whisper once again...

It's okay my child, 

I love you and I know. 

I know it's hard to just let go..

And you don't understand

Why I don't reach down 

With my right hand,

And rescue you now, 

Like you know I can.

But I love you, my child, 

And I know what you need.

Ease and comfort are not the way

To grow closer to Me.

Each and every day,

You have to walk through the hard 

And face the impossible..

Before you can understand 

That only with Me...

Anything is possible.