Thursday, March 19, 2020

The me I used to be

When I see me,
The me I used to be,
I see the brokenness, the pain,
The heartache and disdain.

I see the sadness and anger,
Ignoring the danger,
Hoping that something,

A N  Y  T  H  I  N  G

could dull the shame,
Remove the blame.

Make me whole again.

Knowing it was my choices,
Plus all of the voices,
Screaming and teeming
Inside of my brain...

Nothing, nothing, nothing
Could change..

I was to blame,
There's too much shame.
Nothing, nothing, nothing
Could change...

Until that moment,
That whisper, that quiet...
That peace stepped in,
Facing the riot.

Showing me Grace,
Lifting up my face
To find shame gone
And hope where it belongs.

Mercy loved me,
Mercy healed me.
Mercy showed me
A world that needs me.

To share my voice
And stand, by choice,
To live in truth,
To share my proof.

That love is enough,
That we are enough.
That He is enough
And it is enough

To know....

He loves you.
He loves me.
And through it all,
He will be.

Always with you,
Always with me.

Mel, circa 2000

Mel, circa 2019


  1. Beautiful, Mel. I can relate. I am so thankful for the way God has brought you out of the miry clay and set you upon the firm foundation of His love, mercy and grace. Thank you for posting.

  2. Your writing speaks deeply to my soul . It is through sharing our stories we can connect with one another. Thank you for this space and these words that connect us with you! I love you and your sweet heart!💜
