Monday, April 6, 2020


Today we got the news that on-site school for our state is over for the year, but online school will continue. The kids are so bummed. They love going to school and seeing their friends and favorite teachers. We've prepped them for this possibility, but it's still hard for them. They will have a successful school year, and we are doing what we can to have some fun too. We are doing our best to stay positive, while reminding them that it's okay to be upset about this.
There are so many families that aren't feeling very positive about this, whatsoever. Some kids are going hungry. Some kids are being abused. Some parents are breaking down, and some are breaking up. Jobs and homes will be, and in some cases, already are, lost. Some parents are still working, (in some cases, more than full time)...  Then coming home absolutely exhausted, only to turn into teacher as well as parent.
Some teachers, principals and support staff are completely devastated that they will not see their kids, while at the same time trying to provide a solid education for them... And while simultaneously trying to teach their own children.
Doctors and nurses are sleeping away from their families if they can. If they can't, they are doing everything they can to protect them and minimize their exposure. Everyone is doing the best that they can in a situation no one understands.
This is so hard on so many people, for so many reasons. It's a time that will grow us all, one way or another. We will learn who we are and what we stand for. We will learn how to refocus our vision onto new things, and hopefully, onto His things.
My mother in law has been teaching me about non-locality connections for a while now, and I love this:

If we are all connected to the Spirit, then we are all connected through the Spirit.

We often cannot be together, but that doesn't mean we're not connected. If our focus is on Him, He will guide our prayers to those who need Him. He will prompt us to use our gifts to help someone or encourage them. There are many things that we have no control or power over, but He does! Yes, there are many things in this world that break our hearts and His, but no matter what, He brings about good. He gives us a little nudge to pray a little harder or serve in some way. Just because we can't look them in the eye right now doesn't mean we can't show someone love. We need each other, now, more than ever. We need Him, now, more than ever. We can love with non-locality just as much as we can in person.
Reach out to the person you've thought of while reading this. Let them know that you are thinking of them, and that you care. Pray for them. Let me know, and I'll pray too! Together, we can join Him in their battles.

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