Monday, August 4, 2014

Pear Trees

Hey there... It's been a while, I know. There's been lots of learning and growing, but when it has come to writing, there have been crickets..... and birds, and frogs, and trees and mint and a million lovely things Papa has been speaking to me through, in this beautiful world around us.

It's been such a joy to be a part of. The journey of discovery He's taking me on has been echoed in everything around me. I'm learning what He wants me to learn just by slowing down and listening to Him. By appreciating the world He's created for us.

For example.....

There are the beautiful pear trees, that just take my breath away, especially those few short days when they are bursting forth with stinky beautiful white flowers. Yes, I said stinky. They are so gross. But the trees, oh the trees... They stand side by side, growing so close together that you can't tell where one begins and the other ends. Their silhouette, together, is that of a big, full abundant tree. To separate these trees would be to cut that beauty in half, leaving harsh scars and broken shape. There would no longer be beauty, only brokenness, and likely death.

They speak to me of what love and marriage should be. Two people, standing side by side, growing so close together that you can't tell where one begins and the other ends. Their silhouette together, that of a big, full abundant life. To separate them would leave harsh scars and brokenness... the beauty crushed. They must stand arm in arm, holding each other up. Their roots must be deep, reaching for the water that they need to survive. They also have branches that stretch and dance in the breeze, whipped in the rain. They sing a lovely song, with the leaves all chattering at once. The stages of the tree are lovely... that new neon green after a cold winter's nap, the burgeoning green as the leaves reach their full potential... the beautiful stinky flowers... the fall color slowly creeping in then disappearing all at once... the naked bare limbs, waiting on Spring's warmth to clothe them again.

Like the trees, marriage should be rooted.. in strong faith and a willingness to live out the commandment, given in Matthew 22, 36-40:

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Like trees, we should reach for the Father, stretching towards Him. As the branches reach up, soaking up the light, so should we. When the wind blows through and the storms arise, we dance in rain, knowing it will soon pass.

John 8:12:

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

As we are rooted in darkness, we should be ever reaching for the Light.

Only the Light can keep us strong. Only the Light can grow us, even rooted in bad soil. As we reach for the Light, He teaches us to dig deep through the darkness to find the Living Water. Only He can show us where our roots should go. Only He can quiet our chattering hearts to hear His quiet answer.

I am Here.

I love you.

And if we are both listening... if we are both loving God, and loving each other... then we grow together. We reach toward God, leaning on each other, listening to His quiet answers and loving each other along the way. Growing toward the beautiful shape that is marriage, led by God. Holding each other up, dancing in the storms, stretching our arms always toward Him, and growing more beautiful each day.


While the pear trees are beautiful, there are a few places that need to be cut back, in order to give strength to the rest of the trees. Some damage from the last storm harms the tree. This is the sin in our world. It steals the beauty that God created. Within our sick and twisted hearts, we think it is hidden, unable to be seen, but our Creator sees all. It's anger, pain, drugs, alcohol, porn, food... it's whatever keeps you from giving your entire heart to Him. It's whatever holds you back, keeps you from loving, keeps you from love. These are our selfish ways, causing us to be naked and broken, ashamed.

But... He.

He can cut it all away. It's going to hurt. It's probably going to be hard. But He will do it in a loving, this is for your own good kind of way, if you stand still and let Him do it. As your sins are cut away, He leaves you fresh, tender... no longer ashamed.

A new you... a new shape. If your marriage is like the pear trees, then your spouse is being trimmed too. As He cuts away the sin in both of you, He forms a new shape, more beautiful than before. As you love your spouse, as he loves you, as you both Love Jesus.... you grow together, cycling through the seasons of life, through the storms of the world. Reaching ever toward Papa, seeking the Living Water and leaning on each other in the process.

Loving, learning, obeying....

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