Friday, September 16, 2022

Ohh, to be!

 Ohh, to be a squirrel, 

Chit, chit, chittering away, 

Laughing at me as they work while they play.

Ohh, to be a woodpecker, 

Knock, knock, knocking all day,

Tapping out a song as he works away.

Ohh, to be a songbird, 

Flit, flit, flittering in play,

While singing their song to welcome the day. 

Ohh, to be human,

Tap, tap, tapping away, 

Lost in their phones as the day passes away....

Monday, September 12, 2022

Jesus, You

My Child... 

Why are you crying, calling out silently? 

What is your burden?

Won't you give it to me?

I'll shoulder the load and I'll pick up my cross, 

I'll carry the pain and not count the cost,

As I do this for you...

As I do it for you...

My Child, I love you, 

My Child, I see you.

I made you, created you, I know all you go through.. 

My Child...... I'm here for you. 

Ohh Father I know this, I trust that you love me, 

I do......

But I am so broken, so lost and unknowing

That I.......

Just. Can't. See...

That I...

Just. Can't. Breathe. 

My Father I need you. 

My Father I love you too...

You made me, created me, 

And I know that you love me too...

This weight that I carry is so freaking heavy 

But I

Lay. It. Down. 

And I pick up my crown....

Because YOU..... 

Glorious wonderful YOU....

YOU shouldered the load and

You picked up my cross...

You carried my burdens,

No matter the cost.

Jesus, You..... 

Jesus, You..... 

You shoulder our burdens no matter the cost, 

You carry our loads and You carry our cross...

Jesus, You.....

Jesus, You.....