Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have learned not to say "I can't...." or  "I could never.......". That's just asking for it. In fact, that's how this blog came about. I said I couldn't, and totally discounted that He can and will. So here we are. I'm writing a blog.

Last week, He told me to write more. He gave me an idea and reminded me of the things I used to dream about that I thought I couldn't do. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a writer. Then I became a mom at the ripe old age of seventeen, and all my wants flew out the window. Once upon a time, I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if I was a proofreader? Then I would get paid to read books!!!" Which I suppose I should tell you, I read a lot. I mean, a lot. Freakishly fast, my husband has said. So I thought that was a good dream, but reality set in and I worked for a living to support my sweet daughter and myself. He reminded me of all these things, and told me He was giving me my heart's desire. 

So.... what do you do when God gives you your heart's desire? You do it. You ignore the enemy's grating voice and trust in your Savior. And believe me, the enemy can be oh so annoying. He's been on us this week. He's also been on our entire community group, as we are gearing up to do a new Bible study based on a recent movie about fathers. It's been constant ongoing attack all the way around. It gets old, but we have God on our side, so there is no way he can win, and no way we will let him. It seems to me one of his favorite forms of attack is the "you can't....." or "you are not...." statements. Those are the ones he hits me with the most. For you it may be something different.

Job 36:11 says "If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasantness and joy." I want that! I could really care less about the prosperity part, as I only want what we need. The pleasantness and joy, though, that sounds awesome. I think the years in pleasantness and joy must mean heaven. Heaven to me is my reward for seeking my Savior and asking Him to forgive my sins, and then living out the rest of my days seeking His will for my life. I can't wait! But while I am here on earth, I will obey Him. Therefore, I am writing a book. I am ignoring the enemy who is trying to tell me it's a good dream, but you can't do it. I am listening to Jesus, who said that I can and that He will. He will guide my words and thoughts, and help me to write something for His glory. It doesn't matter to me if no one but a few friends read it. What matters is that I am writing in obedience and He will bless that. He is who I live for. 

He has also been reminding me of some other things He wants me to do, like contact my biological father. I realized through prayer this week, that while I have forgiven him for some things, I hadn't forgiven him for everything. That's direct disobedience, because it is written in several places that we are to forgive. Ouch. So this week, maybe even tonight, I will write to my biological dad and ask for forgiveness. I have already asked my Heavenly Father to forgive me for this, but I feel I must ask it of my earthly father as well. 

Are you obeying what our Heavenly Father is asking of you? Or are you listening to the enemy and his "You can't....." statements? If you have the tiniest bit of doubt, then I would say you should probably pray. Then sit back and listen to what Jesus tells you. Sometimes it's in the quietest whisper, and others it's in the loudest shout. He will answer though. Be prepared to follow through, because when He asks you to do something, it is for your best and for His glory. You should also be prepared for the attacks, because they will come. When they do, pray. Pray for protection, for the banishment of the enemy from your world, and for God's Will to be done in your life. Pray for His glory, not your own. Just pray. You will be amazed at what happens. And who knows? You might end up doing something you forgot you wanted to do!

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