Saturday, February 22, 2020

Hello Again!

Hello old friend!
I have missed you greatly. I felt a little lost without you there for a bit, but God showed me that sometimes we have to grow through some things in order to get to the next level. Recently, though, I've been feeling the itch. I've had a few word plays come to mind that make me think you are back and we are ready to do this again. I am so very excited to see what comes next.
What have I been up to, you ask? Well, I worked part time as a florist for a bit. I had hoped that that meant I was done with this chronic illness business, but alas, I was wrong. I went down again and really struggled with finding my worth. Then we moved, which has been awesome, but came with its own set of new struggles and discoveries. My health has continued to be a roller coaster ride. We've had some really great highs and some scary lows. But through it all, we've come to truly see and understand who we are in Christ, and more importantly, who He is.
We also got not one, not two, but three new pups! We had no idea the joy and chaos they would bring. God has taught me so much through them! Then, the kids are all preteens or young teens now. That's been fun, hahaha. Oh the hormonal rages and tears and angst that come along with that age range! Not to mention, all the fun things we have to talk about, including gender, dating, active shooter scenarios, and many other hard things. Ben and I just celebrated sixteen years together. Through our journey, we've come to really love and trust each other, no matter what life throws at us. We've learned it's never going to be 'easy', but if we talk it out and turn to God, it will always be okay.
I look forward to sharing some of these adventures and lessons with you, old friend. I also can't wait to see what God leads us through with this renewal of words. It will be wonderful, come what may!
Until next time, stay strong, be courageous, and trust that He's got you, no matter what!

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